Jill, Amy, Elizabeth and I took a break from our very intensive math training to have lunch in the Longwood garden. It is amazing what has grown in the week or so since school let out. The corn in the Three Sisters Garden is so tall it looks like it is holding up the sky. The beans have wrapped their tendrils around the corn and are flowering and setting fruit. There's nothing like the taste of thin bean pods that you pick and eat right in the garden. And the sweetpeas - perfumed jewels scenting the garden with an intoxicating fragrance.
At Bidwell, our staff suffers from garden pessimism resulting from vandalism at Treeview in the past. How do you suggest we overcome this?
At Longwood we have also experienced vandalism. Usually on a Monday morning we find the garden has been used over the weekend for a beer party. This past year however there has been relatively little in the way of vandalism. It might be too early to speculate, but maybe the garden has finally become a part of the community and is less visible as a "foreign" entity.
When we did experience a lot of vandalism we just kept right at it - plant more beauty in the hole of ugliness left by the vandals. Eventually the beauty wins out.
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